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Moulton School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

I'd like to welcome you to our class page, where you will find lots of information about life in Year 5 at Moulton School.


Class Dojo is a fantastic tool which enables you to be kept up-to-date with what your child has been doing in school all day. You can also keep track of your child's behaviour in school by checking how many Dojo points they have received that day. I will communicate reminders through Class Story so it is really useful to sign up for it if you haven't already done so. There is also a great private messaging tool if you have any questions or concerns.


You can keep up to date with the children's learning on Class Dojo. Each half term, we will exploring a new high quality text.

Through the use of the texts, the children will be developing a secure understanding of grammar, punctuation and spelling expectations in Year 5. We will have a number of specific writing targets each half term that the children will aim to master.

Our texts and objectives for the Autumn term are:

1) Queen of the Falls - write a series of diary entries in role using expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials correctly. 

2) The Lost Happy Endings - write a traditional tale with a focus on describing settings, characters and an alternative ending. 


Children are expected to read independently for 15-20 minutes each evening - please encourage your child to read each and every evening. 

We will be exploring a range of high-quality texts that will support your child to develop a love of reading and build their comprehension skills. 

This term, our reading text are:

1) Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
2) Hansel & Gretel
We shall be developing our key reading skills of: prediction, vocabulary, retrieval, inference, summarising, comparison, language choice and structure. 


You can keep up to date with the children's maths learning on Class Dojo.

Maths is taught using the White Rose scheme. It is very important that the children are practising their times tables weekly on Times Table Rockstars. 


The children will have PE twice a week. The children are encouraged to keep active throughout the school day by completing the Golden Mile and active brain breaks in class. The children should always to be ready to take part in physical activity by wearing their active school uniform.


In Year 5, the children have the fantastic opportunity to learn to play an instrument with specialist music teachers. The lessons will be every Tuesday so please ensure musical instruments come into school each week once they have been given out. The teachers recommend that the children should practise for at least 10 minutes each day to make good progress.


Each half term, the children will be learning about different topics. Here are the Year 5 units for this academic year: 

Geography units

  • What is life like in the Alps?
  • Would you like to live in the desert?
  • Why do oceans matter?

History units

  • What was life like in Tudor England?
  • What did the Greeks ever do for us?
  • How did the Maya civilisation compare to the Anglo-Saxons?


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo.


Mr Corkill