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Moulton School




Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Mrs Clayton and I (Mrs Jiwa-Walji) would like to welcome you to our class page.

Here you will find some useful information about Year 3. 


To keep updated with what your child is doing in school make sure that you join Class Dojo. It is a fantastic tool which allows you to keep track of your child's behaviour as well as what they have been learning each day. I will communicate through our ‘Class Story’ and you will be able to see how many Class Dojo points your child receives each day. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me through the private messaging service that Class Dojo provides. 


At Moulton, we aim to develop a life-long love of reading. Reading is central to everything we do in school and we love sharing engaging and exciting texts with the children. 

Children will bring home a reading book from our school library each day. 

If your child is reading on our Read Write Inc. scheme, your child will be given a Read Write Inc. reading book to take home. These are changed on a three read cycle. More information on this will be shared on our Class Dojo page. 

When children finish our Read Write Inc. scheme, they will progress to Accelerated Reader. Please follow the link to find more information about accelerated reader: 

Accelerated Reader  



Each half term, your child will be studying a high-quality text. Within their English lessons, they will develop their understanding of grammar, punctuation and spelling.  Spelling is taught using the Pathways to Spell scheme. You can keep up to date with our learning on the Class Dojo page.


You can also keep up to date with our Maths learning on the Class Dojo page. Maths is taught using the White Rose scheme. 




Each half term, the children will be learning about different topics. Here are the Year 3 topics for this academic year: 


History: Would you rather live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age?
Geography: Why do people live near volcanoes?


History: Why did the Romans settle in Britain?

Geography: Who lives in Antarctica?


History: What did the ancient Egyptians believe?
Geography: Are all settlements the same?